How to get free Medicare help

We are a nonprofit public service funded by the state, city, and county government.
We provide free Medicare health insurance counseling to thousands of Los Angeles residents every year.

Who can get help?
The Center for Health Care Rights helps older adults, people with disabilities, and their family members and caregivers in Los Angeles County navigate Medicare and get the health care they need.
State-registered Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP) counselors are trained to provide Medicare counseling and advocacy for people with Medicare.
You must be a resident of Los Angeles County and
Age 60 and older; or
A Medicare beneficiary of any age.

Three ways to get help:

Speak with a counselor
Meet with a counselor
Get training from our experts
Call the free telephone helpline at 800-434-0222
Speak one-to-one with our state-registered Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP) counselors for answers to your Medicare questions. Available in 230+ languages.
Or submit an appointment request to schedule an appointment.
Get help from a state-registered Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP) counselor in locations across Los Angeles County.
Come to a workshop or event
Get up-to-date Medicare information. We offer workshops and webinars for people with Medicare and their caregivers, as well as training workshops for social workers and health care professionals.

Free telephone helpline
Get one-to-one counseling services on Medicare, Medi-Cal, and other related health insurance through the Center for Health Care Rights’ toll-free telephone helpline.
Call to schedule an appointment:
Submit an appointment request:
(Los Angeles County residents only)
Open business hours Monday through Friday, or leave a voicemail.
We provide help with questions and problems relating to:
Medicare Part A and B eligibility, benefits, and claims
Medicare coverage rules
Medicare coordination with private insurance
Medicare Part D plan choices
Insurance options for supplementing Medicare — Medigap insurance and Medi-Cal
Medicare Advantage benefits and claims
Programs that help low-income beneficiaries with Medical expenses — Medi-Cal, Medicare savings programs
Part D prescription costs — the low-income subsidy program, also known as “extra help”
Medicare appeals
We’ve helped thousands of Los Angeles County residents with Medicare questions. Your call with one of our Medicare experts can take just a few minutes, or up to an hour or two. We support more complex questions and issues with more in-depth assistance.

Meet with a volunteer counselor near you
Get help from our volunteer counselors in locations across Los Angeles County. Volunteer Counselors are highly trained and are registered as Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP) counselors with the California Department of Aging.
Use the chart below or the map to identify a HICAP Volunteer Counselor site near you and the phone number to call to schedule a counseling appointment. If you need assistance in making an appointment, call 800-434-0222.
The information provided below and in the map is intended for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice.
Click on the map to locate a HICAP Volunteer Counselor site near you.
Arcadia Community Center
Burbank Joslyn Adult Center
Cerritos Senior Center
Culver City
Culver City Senior Center
Fairfax District
Jona Goldrich Multipurpose Senior Center (formerly Freda Mohr)
Adult Recreation Center
Sparr Heights Community Center
Long Beach
Long Beach Senior Center
Robert M. Wilkinson Multi-Purpose Senior Center
Alicia Broadous Duncan Multipurpose Senior Center
Legacy Commons for Active Seniors
Pasadena Senior Center
Redondo Beach
Center for Health and Fitness (Located in CHF, 2nd FL)
ONEgeneration Senior Enrichment Center
Santa Clarita
Santa Clarita Valley Senior Center/ Bella Vida
Santa Monica
WISE & Healthy Aging
Torrance Memorial Medical Center
West Hollywood
West Hollywood Comprehensive Service Center

Join workshops and events
Learn about Medicare from the Center for Health Care Rights at a workshop or community event.
We offer two types of workshops:
For people with Medicare and their caregivers
These focus on helping develop a better understanding of Medicare benefits and costs and the health care choices offered by Medicare Advantage plans, Medigap insurance, and Medi-Cal.
Education programs are available in Spanish and other languages.
Educational events take place at locations across Los Angeles County, at community events, and online.
For social service and health care professionals
Each year, Center for Health Care Rights staff conduct free training seminars on Medicare and Medi-Cal eligibility rules and coverage topics as well as updates on changes in Medicare and Medi-Cal policy and coverage.
Learn more about our workshops.

Center for Health Care Rights’ legal staff provide assistance with Medicare Part A, B, and D appeals, serious access to care problems in Medicare Advantage plans, and other serious Medicare or Medi-Cal eligibility, claim payment, or coverage problems.
Tell the Center for Health Care Rights receptionist that you have an urgent problem and you will be screened for a same-day telephone appointment. Examples of urgent cases include a hospital discharge, problem filling prescriptions, termination of Medicare coverage, or inability to get Medicare Advantage plan services.
We welcome you to share our information with your clients or use our Client Referral Form.
The Center for Health Care Rights' telephone system has several language voicemail boxes for persons who speak Spanish, Korean, Mandarin, Cantonese, Armenian, Russian, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. Messages can be left at these voicemail boxes at any time. Call the language voicemail boxes and leave your name, number, and a brief description of the problem. For other languages, call us and we can arrange an interpreter, or use our contact form to request an interpreter. A Center for Health Care Rights staff member will call you back within three business days to schedule a telephone appointment with a bilingual staff counselor or an interpreter.
In-person counseling is available by appointment.
Call the Center for Health Care Rights at 800-434-0222 to schedule an in-person appointment or meet with a volunteer counselor at one of the sites listed above.
If you need special accommodations to obtain services, such as a sign language interpreter, contact the Center for Health Care Rights’ intake coordinator at 213-383-4519, ext. 3002.
Yes. Please feel free to request a Zoom appointment when you call.